
Do you want to know how to improve your immune system?

Are you confused about diet and what to eat?

Are your pre-menopause or menopausal symptoms affecting your life in a detrimental way?

Are low energy levels making days feel like a constant struggle to get through?

Are you suffering with digestive issues?

Do you have unexplained aches and pains?

Are you battling with insomnia?

Is weight creeping on around the middle that just won’t budge?

Do you want to live symptom free and feel energised?

Do you want to be proactive and learn about preventative wellbeing?


The good news is that I can help with all of this and more!

During a consultation I take into consideration the whole person, mind, body and spirit. Through detailed questioning, discussion and drawing on all my knowledge and experience of herbal medicine, naturopathic medicine and ayurvedic medicine, I aim to undercover the underlying imbalances that are contributing to your symptoms and health concerns. Balance is re-established through bespoke herbal remedies, nutritional changes and lifestyle modifications (lifestyle includes sleep quality, exercise and stress management). There is usually emphasis on improving digestion and gut health. Optimal gut health ensures nutrient absorption, elimination of bodily wastes, influences our mood and mental health and is vital for a strong immune system.  

Small changes lead to huge improvements but this is not a quick fix. This is not taking herbs instead of a pharmaceutical pill to mask symptoms. Symptoms are your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Treating symptoms alone will not rectify the underlying cause. You need to be prepared to make changes to your food, lifestyle and to take your herbal remedies as directed with a minimal commitment of 3 to 6 months. It takes time for healing to take place. I will support, guide and educate you so that you can make these changes in a manageable, easy to implement way that you will stick to. I empower you to take control of your well-being, vitality and happiness.

After the consultation I will reflect upon what we have discussed to evaluate the bigger picture and carry out any additional research that is required. I will choose the most suitable herbs for your individual needs to personally blend your bespoke herbal remedy.

All herbs are sourced from sustainable sources and are of the highest quality. All herbal medicines are plant based, do not contain any animal products and have not been involved in animal testing.

Herbal medicines can be in the form of tinctures, powders, teas and creams. The best method for you will be discussed during your consultation.

After 4 weeks we have a follow-up appointment to review your progress, how you are responding to the herbal remedies and to see if any further changes need to be made. This appointment will last 30 minutes.

Taking control of your health, vitality and wellbeing by tackling the root cause requires commitment from you. Working with me enables you to receive outstanding quality of care, the guidance and coaching required to help you easily implement any necessary changes to your nutrition and lifestyle.


• All payments can be made by direct bank transfer. Details will be provided before the first consultation
• Please note that full payment of the consultation fee is due before the consultation
• Herbal prescriptions will be posted out as soon as payment for the herbs is received

Cancellation Policy
I would appreciate at least 24 hours notice prior to your appointment to inform me if you would like to cancel or reschedule. I start preparing days in advance for each client so appreciate my energy being respected. I also have a waiting list so can offer this time to someone else with notice. Failure to do so may mean I have to charge the full price.


Please note that i have a waiting list for initial consultations – contact me to join the waitlist

initial 1.5 hour consultation – £120

follow up 30 minute consultation £75

additional time is charged in 15 minute intervals

consultations are available in person or online 

phone calls/email correspondence – £35/ 15 minutes

to ensure quality of care a consultation is recommended for detailed or complex queries. frequent and long emails are charged at practitioners discretion for time

online program launches coming soon

Herbal remedies 

i personally blend all herbal (plant based) REMEDIES in my dispensary. each herbal remedy is bespoke for each individuals needs. medicinal plants are selected for each individuals unique CONSTITUTION and health concerns  to help bring the body and mind back in to balance. please note that herbal remedies are not included in the consultation price. 400ml herbal tincture (month supply) is £50.

please view my shop for standard herbal blends available to purchase.

any naturopathic supplements that i recommend are available with a 10% discount from the natural dispensary 




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T: 07789 766 228


Please note that the information provided on this website is for information purposes only, at sole discretion and risk of the reader. This information is not meant to be used for self-medication purposes and/or is not meant to replace medical care under the supervision of a doctor. The herbal medicines and naturopathic advice described on the website, Instagram and Facebook links can only be used safely under the supervision of a qualified herbal medicine practitioner after a one-to-one consultation, in accordance with the Medicines Act 1986, Sections 12.1 & 12.2 and Sections 56.1 & 56.2.